CME China Machine Tool Exhibition 2019 in Shanghai.
This is a report from Sales Operation Department.

We participated at the international exhibition of machining tools called, ‘ CME China Machine Tool Exhibition 2019’ held in Shanghai, China from February 26th through March 1st.

Sugiura Trading in Wuxi called some Japanese manufacturers and participated this exhibition jointly.

We participated as the representative manufacturer of cutting tools from Japan.
We were a bit worried on the first day as it was slow at the beginning, but from next day on was a blast !

I think we were successful in appealing the greatness of Japanese products to many visitors there.
Regrettably, however, … we run out of catalogs we brought before the event was over, and have caused a little inconvenience. Our projection was from 50 upto 100 interactions with customers, so we were surprised it was much more.
Although it’s been said automobile production is staggering and economy itself is going down in Chinese market, we felt it is still booming. Well, it may well be true that automobile production will decrease, but on the other hand, there is a projection that 28,000,000 cars will be sold in the future. So, I believe it still is an important market compared with others.

I am grateful for president Shu.
Thank you very much !
And our next business trip to China is from the end of March to the beginning of April !
We will bring back all kinds of profitable information from China, and will share them with everyone again !